The first was when I was 14 and heard clearly for the first time the story of Jesus Christ, that every human is flawed. Try as we may, no one is able to meet God’s perfect standard of love - for God and for each other. But because of God’s unrelenting love for us Jesus came from God, suffered, died, rose again from the dead and returned to God. By doing this He created the way for all of humanity to be reconnected in a loving relationship to God, our Creator. I decided then that I believed Jesus is who he said he is. He became my Saviour.
Even at an early age I remember looking up at my mother, who was busy with her chores, and pelting her with these questions. “If I die what will happen to me?” This last question prompted my mother to gently lead me in a simple prayer, which I said with great conviction. “Jesus, please come into my heart and make Satan leave my room!” He did leave the room and I was quite satisfied with the peace that filled my heart. From that moment on I knew that I was safe. This was my first encounter with the Living God.
In Cyprus, the Catch the Fire conference brought powerful healings, spiritual renewal, and diverse communities together, with many experiencing God’s love and healing touch.