1. Our personal ministry
We teach, preach and minister from the Scriptures, our own God-stories and prophetically, as the Spirit leads. We are called to do this wherever we are invited. We love to pray with people and see the Lord touch lives. What he has given to us over the years through His Spirit is imparted to them. We love to agree together with people for the breakthrough that they long for in their lives.
- We conduct week-long seminars that cover our core-value teaching in some degree of depth. We have been doing these schools in nations like Uganda, Italy, Indonesia, Brazil, Poland, Guyana, India, etc.
- We do these teachings in shorter weekend seminars.
- We love ministering at Sunday services or during midweek meetings.
In all that we do we aim to create an atmosphere in which people can have personal encounters with God for themselves. We know from experience that our lives are most radically changed when we encounter the person of God through his Holy Spirit.

2. Taking teams on Missions Trips
When we go on missions trips, like to Nicaragua, Brazil, Ukraine, India, St Lucia, etc., we like to take teams of keen people with us. One of our mandates is to expose as many Christians to short-term missions as possible. As you become interested in any of the trips we publicise send us an email and we’ll start the ball rolling. There is an application process and we seek to discern from the Lord those who should join us on each of our trips.
3. A Missions Agency
The Peniel Mission is registered with the government of Canada as a missions agency. Therefore, we want to provide a covering and structured support base (in terms of oversight, pastoral care and administrative support) for those who feel called to the mission field – wherever that is. Many believers these days do not necessarily fit into a typical missions agency. The Peniel Mission is here to serve as an alternative to traditional missions agencies. Send us an email if you feel called to full-time, self-supporting missions, agree with our ethos and are looking for a safe sending base as you launch out into what God has called you to be and to do.